Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Journey Begins . . .

So, we left for Maryland this morning at 6:30am.  My mother was awesomeness personified and drove the U-haul because I'm a big chicken!  I will not lie and say that every step thus far has been smooth.  On the contrary, it's been bumpy all the way, but everything has worked out.  God has clearly had His hand on this from the very beginning and for that I am grateful.
So, tomorrow morning at 8am I begin the long 17 hour drive to Kansas City, Missouri.  I can not even begin to tell you how excited I am!  I can't wait to hear from God!!  I felt like His voice was so much clearer when I was there the last time, than when I'm caught up in all the noise of regular life.  Everyday life can be so bothersome, but I believe that if we seek Him hard we do not need to go to IHOP-KC just to hear what He has to say to us.  I think the major issue is that I was not sitting and listening as intently as I did in Kansas City when all the noise of my life was taken away and it was just Him and I.  We allow ourselves to miss out.   We spend so much time talking and asking Him to do what we want, that we don't stop and listen to what He wants.  If we did that more often,we very well might get the answers before we've even asked the questions.  Wow!  What a concept!  To start out listening to God first before talking at Him.  I think that if we purposed to do that more, our lives we be a lot different.
My first day back from my birthday trip to Kansas City,  I got up that morning and I said to God. . ."I just want to be with you and spend time with you all day, everyday."  Well, at the time I had a job to do, but He opened a door for some of my friends and I to begin a prayer group at work.  It was such a major stream in the desert for me.  I have loved going everytime we've been able to meet.  It was the best part of my day.  Those people have literally walked me through some difficult times and I am so grateful to God for allowing me to know them.
Who knew that four months later He would say "Yes" to that prayer in a life changing way.  It gives new credence to the phrase, "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."
So, this is what I vow to do, and I challenge you all to do it with me. . .stop and let God speak first.  Then when He speaks listen and be quiet.  Don't speak after and say, "But" or "I just".  Try, "Yes and Amen".  You have no idea where it might take you.  But, I can promise you that it will be a journey that will change you forever.