Saturday, November 27, 2010

So Thankful!!

During the summers when I travel with the arts team; there is a song that the camp kids love to sing called, "So Much".

The lyrics are as follows:
We've got so much, so much,  so much
so much, so much, so much (8x)
To thank Him for 
(repeat chorus 2x)
We've got (person's name here) to thank Him for (2x)

The camp kids love this song because when the portion of the song where they are able to insert a person's name comes in, the song allows the children to bum-rush. . . I mean hug the person whose name is mentioned.  Needless to say it always takes around ten minutes to get the kids back on track after this verse because they are always on the other side of the room screaming and yelling in a massive pile.  This Thanksgiving that was the first song that came to my mind.  Why?  Because I have SO MUCH gratitude for what the Lord has done for me in the past few months.

This time last year I was in a scarily depressed state.  The depths of my misery are too dark and personal to convey to you.  The spirit of hopelessness and despair were all-consuming.  I was sure that God would never deliver me and I was not able to see any light at the end of the tunnel.  This Thanksgiving I had more gratitude in my heart than I can even begin to explain.  I spent the day thanking Him for what He has done for me in one of the most amazing places I have been gifted by Him to live for the past few months.  I was in the prayer room soaking in His presence, basking in His glory and worshiping Him for His kindness towards me.  You see, He didn't have to do it.  But He is a good kind Abba.  He cares about His children and wants to bring us out of dark places because He loves us.
Psalm 18:19 He also brought me out into a broad place; He delivered me because He delighted in me.

As I was in the prayer room yesterday I read a word by Victoria Boyson which spoke so strongly to me.  I hope it speaks to you as well.  She wrote,"We can get caught in the cycle of complaint with God concerning how long it is taking Him to meet our need, instead of thanking Him for all that He has already done for us. Our unhappiness can keep us continually seeking explanations from God, instead of thanking Him for the mountains He has already moved and the seas that He has parted to get us this far.
How soon we lose sight of all the miracles He has performed to bring us the victories we have already been given. While waiting for God to do the "big" thing for us, we forget to be thankful for the little victories along the way. I believe the small blessings we receive from God are a special test of our heart; He wants to know if we will be thankful even for the smallest gift."

What the Lord has done for me this year is NO small gift.  It was the answer to the loudest cry of my heart for a number of years.  Not only did my God hear my plea and answer me with a resounding "Yes"! but He also granted my request to be able to have my time be focused on Him, His word, and soaked in His presence.
Psalm 6:9 The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord will answer my prayer.
Psalm 145:18-19 18 The LORD is near to all who call on him,
   to all who call on him in truth. 19 He fulfills the desires of those who fear him;
   he hears their cry and saves them. 
This is not to say that I am not waiting for any other answers to prayers.  But the Lord is teaching me to be more thankful for EVERYTHING in EVERY situation!  In the previous years it has been so easy for me to get caught up in the despair of the "one big thing" I wanted answered.  That is one of the reasons I was in such a bad way last year.  I'm not saying I will not slip again.  Lord help my wicked flesh.  I am sure that when the next phase of difficult, dry, tired wilderness comes to test and try my soul I will not be singing this happy tune.  I do pray that my flesh dies a little everyday so that one day being thankful even in a dry and weary land is an automatic reaction for me.  It's easy to be thankful when the Lord has granted your request.  God help me to be more like you and rid me of myself.
These past few months have been a beautiful time that I will cherish for the rest of my life.  Thank you Lord for this great blessing!  You are so good!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. "All of my life in every season, you are still God, I have a reason to sing, I have a reason to worship!"--Hillsong Dessert song

    I know you've heard this one:) Its been the anthem of practically everyone walking through a dry season in the past few years. Thanks for sharing your heart Eb. Its necessary for people to hear about seasons such as these. Because they are real! read the psalms for goodness sakes! haha David was NO JOKE! why do we think his flesh cried out for the living God? He was desperate! But I feel like people just brush the seasons off, credit it to the devil, or never tell anyone that it happened because they assume something is wrong with them for not spending every single year of their life in such blissful joyfulness. God allows these seasons, where it is dark, where we don't know if we can hear well, where we don't visually see blessings and good news with our own eyes everyday. I think its a test. A test saying to us, will you remember what happened last time I brought you out of this place? Will you choose, like you said, to praise me and thank me for every thing small and large even if you are in a dark place again? ...some people enjoy the darkness, they enjoy having to get so humbled, so low, and so quiet in order to find that still small tiny little voice of God say "keep going, I love you"

    I'm proud of you for not giving up on our God! He is worthy! and although you think its been a long time. Just think some people spent 40 years in the dessert! AHHHHHHHHH

    love you
